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repeated borrower中文是什么意思

用"repeated borrower"造句"repeated borrower"怎么读"repeated borrower" in a sentence


  • 重复借贷者;重复借款人
  • 重复借款人


  • The circular also warned them that the hkma might impose penal laf rates for repeated borrowers
  • Subject to the provisions in the sixth measure , the restriction in which the hkma imposes penal interest rates on repeated borrowers through the repo of exchange fund paper will be removed as from monday 7 september 1998
  • The hkma issued a circular to remind banks that they should organize their hong kong dollar funding prudently and not be overly dependent on the laf for last resort liquidity support otherwise penal laf offer rates might be imposed on repeated borrowers
  • Compared with october 1997 , the interest rate hike in january 1998 was much more moderate , helped by the clarification of the definition of repeated borrowers in the use of laf , which prevented an over - reaction by the banks in response to sudden tightening in money market conditions
  • To remove market uncertainty , the hkma clarified the definition of repeated borrowers in respect of laf borrowing on 12 november . repeated borrowers are defined as those which have borrowed through laf on eight occasions in any period of 25 days or on four consecutive days . if a repeated borrower fails to provide a satisfactory explanation of his repeated use of laf and continues to borrow , a penal rate may be charged on his future borrowing
  • In order to discourage licensed banks from repeated borrowings from laf , penal laf offer rates different from the advertised laf offer rate will be determined on a case by case basis and at the absolute discretion of the hkma for repeated borrowers . these will be communicated to the individual licensed banks concerned . hong kong monetary authority
  • Members also noted that institutional changes over time such as implementation of the real time gross settlement system in december 1996 , the restrictions on repeated borrowers from the liquidity adjustment facility between november 1997 and september 1998 , and the introduction of the discount window in september 1998 had had important influences on the ways in which banks developed their liquidity management strategies . 5
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